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His LOVE Conquers All

By: Gary Barriga

In our life, even if we already know and accepted Lord as our Savior.

And that He poured out His love and goodness to us.

There is still this lingering feeling of guilt for being so sinful.

That leads us to engage in immoral behavior.

From our mouths, we declared full surrender to God.
Yet, we continue to commit sins.
Even surrender—is not evident in our actions.

We kept on living our lives apart from Him; deciding based on our emotions.

We are reigning over ourselves continuously like He never existed in our lives.

After everything He has done for us. That’s dangerous!

It might lead us to anxieties, or worse, depression.

Remember! Our actions had consequences that lead us to regrets.

Remember Jeremiah 17:9

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”

But there’s this love that conquers all.
Love, that understands but does not compromise justice, who waits unceasingly; despite our excuses.
Love, capable of the greatest—unfathomable act.
Love is willing and able!

1 John 4:8

“God is love.”

His love conquers all.

It sees us beyond our imperfections.

It sees us far more beyond our expectations.

His love sees us as useful even with our shortcomings.

His love conquers our disbelief and shows us truth.

And what better way to express this love than choosing us to be part of His world, His Kingdom?

Yes, He chose us to expand His Kingdom.

His Love conquers all, this is what we will preach, and therefore we save the lost.

His love conquers fears!

What will you do if you know you’ll die today?

Remember when Jesus learned about his death?

How would you feel if that happen to you?

You might tremble in fear.

You might feel hopeless; and

You might give in to your thoughts and emotions.


He never gave in to His emotions.

He resisted yielding in.

He carried on doing the Father’s will.

Because, first, the love of the Father that was over Him conquered the fear.

And secondly, He loves us UNCONDITIONALLY.

John 3:16 NIV

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Romans 5:8 NLT

“But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”

May His love be upon over us continuously, so we can conquer and do all things for the glory of Him.



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