Hello! I am Krista Queen G. Calipayan, and I’m glad you clicked the link that led you to my life story!
I actually have a lot of stories to tell since I was in senior high school at the same university where I am currently enrolled as a college student. I encountered the Lord months before Senior High, and it really changed me. It changed my whole being as to how I approach people, situations, and even different seasons in life. But this whole process of change did not end during my senior high school days. It elevated more throughout my college years. The whole adventure-like-process that I went through is just like wine, and as I keep going through it, it gets better through time.
My senior high school days were great. I clearly remember how God moved in a mysterious yet gracious way as He led me to love and be compassionate to the people around me. At first, I was not able to recognize the impact I gave my classmates back then, not until college. Someone told me how he reads the book of proverbs every day just what I taught him in senior high school and that he always remembers the verse that has the phrase “Guard your heart” on it because I always tell him that (we were seatmates by the way). You can say that God used my talkativeness for His ways. It filled my whole being with joy! It was really an affirmation from God.
Then, college came! Yes, COLLEGE.
You might be wondering what course I took right now, and if you’re not, I’m going to tell it anyways. *Wholesome shrug*
I took the Bachelor of Science in Architecture at the same University, by the way! All I can say after entering this course is, IT’S NOT EASY. It takes grace to pass this course. Here, it began my adventure of meeting and knowing Jesus in a different way during my first year in College.
"There were lots of crying and sleepless nights. I even had countless nights filled with I-don't know-what-to-do kind of thoughts and uncertainties if I should continue studying."
Honestly, architecture was not my first choice of study, but God was so gracious in those moments of my life. I will call that the Buried Season. I was like a seed being buried deep, and everything is new to me.
I took a course that demands beyond my own skills and capabilities, and even financial capacity. I know little of colors, and I didn’t even know or remember the basics in technical drawing. I took night classes because I enrolled late due to my family’s financial concerns. Even before the classes started, we had difficulty paying rents and bills. I was not able to take some exams because I lacked the means to pay. I failed two architectural subjects in my second semester during the first year too. I was trying hard to do life groups with my heart far away. My heart was not with what I was doing. There was no fruit because I only used my strength, not God’s.
Can you imagine how tired I was with those dramas? I still can recall how my mind was buried at that time. It was immersed in deep thoughts and desperate prayers. But this planting season in my life brought me closer to Him, who promised I could make it through everything.
Then God reminded me of my life verse which is Joshua 1:9 that says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” This verse got me through everything!
"He hears our prayers and petitions. These helped me learn a lot of lessons. First is that college or even work is just part of our growing process and is not the main thing. Our main thing should always be the Lord."
He promised to be with me! I always knew He was working through me, but I was not able to fully acknowledge it along the way, until after everything happened. He never failed to provide us food, our necessities, and other needs during that time. He gave us just enough, humbled our hearts, and made us closer to Him! He made me strong as a person.
During my second year, I bounced back! I took the subjects I failed and passed them. He provided for my requirements and tuition in miraculous ways. He made me see greater things. It was like I already sprouted, and I know I am! Until now, I always declare to myself every day, “I will be an architect for the Lord! I am diligent, excellent, and creative. I am an architect for the Lord!” And it even has a melody attached to it. Not only I gained the ability to fight back, but I was also given the heart to lead people in love back to Him! Jesus made away and will always do if we ask Him and seek Him with all our hearts.
He hears our prayers and petitions. These helped me learn a lot of lessons. First is that college or even work is just part of our growing process and is not the main thing. Our main thing should always be the Lord. Second, listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life. Third, hold a firm grip to your genuine prayer for He answers. Fourth, endure and persevere. For if the process is right, the product is guaranteed. And lastly, GET A WORD from the Lord because it helps you be reminded as you go through the journey.
I know that I’m still undone. But now I know how to see Jesus in everything because Jesus is everything! He made a way and met me in the middle. He walked along with me and even carried me in times that I can’t move on my own. Without a doubt, I am now meeting Jesus every day in my devotionals. He deserved to be recognized and be lifted up in my life. If it’s your first time reading stories like this, I really hope you will also experience what I experienced, and even greater! Thank you for reading my testimony. I declare overflowing joy and peace in your heart right now, in Jesus’ Name! God bless your journey too!
Krista Queen
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