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Writer's pictureYouth to the Nation UM



Has it ever crossed your mind to look for the missing piece in this world that many have missed out?

What if everything around you is just a reflection of reality, and what you are seeing is only a shadow of the real thing and not the real thing itself? That you were just living inside the box all these years, and you’ve missed the other side of the truth outside that box you are in. Well, how would you know this if you can't see the walls around you and the door to your freedom?

Past life……….

Yes, you receive so much praise from people. But you still feel empty inside, fearful, and have trust issues because the world has taken for granted your innocence. They do not know your frequent nightmares, shedding tears, and secret sin. What they had seen was only the perfect facet of the portrait but not the irregularities and flaws that have been concealed skillfully.

I started to look for the missing piece.

When I was 14 years old, I started to read the bible because of curiosity. I have found out that what was written in the bible was very different from what is being taught in our church. One day God showed me a vague vision of myself talking to a circle of young people, but I could not understand it way back then.

As I continued seeking the truth, God opened my spiritual eyes, and I started to see the walls surrounding me. He made me see that I was also enchained. I did everything I could but, not able to remove it. And the pressing truth I have known further was the reality that I am not just trapped in a box but running in circles through a labyrinth. I was not alone. There were many of us. The voice of the enemy in that place was appalling. I strongly needed to find my way out.

The quest started.

Why have you never tried to test the waters? Are you afraid?

So, I joined and opened myself to different churches just to seek for the truth. I prayed and believed that God would lead me into His heart. But my parents were against my quest, and the enemy was trying to stop me in finding freedom.

The chain that used to trap me in has been broken down. I’ve received freedom from my secret sin and bandages. I became a new person!

I entered college………

I ended up in a school that wasn’t on my list of choices. But, I know it wasn’t by accident. It was part of God's plan. I struggled adjusting at first. It was a new environment. I was discouraged and lost myself. There are points in life that we tend to lose our passion for almost everything, but our passion for God should remain. And God made me realize the hole in my heart. It has been a void inside that was left open.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”, Psalm 23:1.

I followed the leading of my Shepherd. I attended three different churches at a time until God led me to where I could grow. He opened a door for me by sending a person who guided me. We need people to help us. We just have to allow them because God had sent them for us. However, the process was not easy. There will be breaking and persecution. But the enemy can not stop me this time.

The new life……….

Last March 2019, I encountered God. I’ve been set free!

The chain that used to trap me in has been broken down. I’ve received freedom from my secret sin and bandages. I became a new person!

And I received God’s direct confirmation saying, “This is it! The belief that is closest to my heart.”

I have found out that the heart of God is the closest to the lost, and it is always to win the lost.

Finally, I’ve found His heart!

“I love everyone who loves me, and I will be found by all who honestly search,” Proverbs 8:17.

If you feel lost or empty right now, I tell you, only God could fill in that hole inside your heart and can fill the gaps in your life. You may have all the praises, titles, achievements, riches, and honor, but they can never satisfy you. True satisfaction, healing, and joy are found only in God. Your whole life will change if you will truly surrender yourself to God.

I used to only get guidance before, but now I am able to guide others. The joy of seeing my disciples growing in the Lord is priceless. God made my vision come true in ways I cannot fully comprehend.

God would let us experience hardships and downfall for us to learn true humility before Him. His ways will help us realize that there is nothing we can do with our own strength and knowledge.

God is very faithful!

I am truly happy to be within the Y2DN-UM family and my family in Christ. I am currently leading a house church with my parents, and the joy is unexplainable. Life will never be perfect, but God will give you His perfect peace despite many battles and trials.

I met Jesus in college because I earnestly searched for His heart, and also through an available and willing person, whom I am so grateful to. And in the same way, I become willing and available to be used by God so that others would also meet God and receive freedom. And I am still continuously winning the lost and seeking the fullness of God.


After reading my testimony, please pray whole-heartedly to God right now, “Lord, lead me to Your heart.” Find time to read the bible with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. And I am praying that you would also find truth and freedom. However, if you are already in the truth and have been set free, make sure that you are not just roaming outside without the desire to help others be free from their own labyrinths. Be in the business of winning the lost for Jesus and God, the Father.

God has been a Good Shepherd of my life!

All praises belong to our powerful God!



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Sep 07, 2020

Yes, you're right about that theory, Harold. Thank you so much. God bless!


Youth to the Nation UM
Youth to the Nation UM
Sep 07, 2020

Surely, sheryl will be blessed! ❤️❤️ Thank you!


Sep 07, 2020

The introduction seems like Plato's theory of forms that we're just a mere copy the reality. We can't really say if it is true or not without considering our religions. I was amazed while reading because you have been to Plato section during your 12 grades and for me, that was not just a coincidence but there's a plan behind of it. Well, I'm so happy for you that you've overcome the chains that trapped you before to live freely. And now that you've been set free from that chain, may you continue to live freely from sins and persevere in preaching the Gospel to everyone. Continue to grow as a loving and caring person to all your brothers and…

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