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Lost in Awe of God

Writer's picture: Youth to the Nation UMYouth to the Nation UM

“11:59PM” - A Deadline Series #LAG

It was around 11:45pm when I finished writing my midterm paper for my major subject. I was about to email it to my professor, when all of a sudden my phone lagged. We were told to submit it on or before 11:59 pm that day or else we’ll be receiving demerit points or worst, failure. Our midterm paper was the equivalent of our midterm exam. That's why I got hysterical when my phone lagged right when I was about to send it to my prof. Less than ten minutes left until the said deadline, my phone was still not working properly. I began to feel hopeless and frustrated. I couldn’t even think of any alternative way to pass my paper. My last resort should’ve been submitting it using my laptop but at that time, it was also malfunctioning.

What an unfortunate day, I sighed.

Earlier that day, I was hesitating whether I should finish my midterm paper ahead of time or wait until the deadline pressures me and my brain to work. I chose the latter because I know that my mind is active when it is pressured. Little did I know, the problem was not about me completing the task but about the process in submitting it.

“I did not consider the fact that delaying things will also lead me to be delayed.”

Four minutes left until the cut off point, I started crying. I just couldn't bear failing or being a failure. I felt disappointed with myself. I even remembered crying and venting out my frustrations to God. But at the end, all I could say was let His will be. When I was about to give up, a thought flashed right into my mind. It said that I should restart my phone. Thinking about it, I haven't tried restarting my phone yet. So I immediately pressed the reset button. While I was waiting for it, I began to lose hope again because I only had less than three minutes left. At 11:57, my phone appeared to be working properly after I restarted it. Right there and then, I emailed the file to my prof and at exactly 11:59pm, my email was sent. It was the most nerve-wracking moment of my life. I started weeping again because I knew in myself that what I’ve experienced was a miracle.

“I then realized that delays will never be the end of us. It’s just a way for us to take a breath when things are getting a bit out of hand.”

It could also be God’s way of telling us that we are taking the wrong direction. That it’s not just about our own plans and ways, but it’s more about His ways and will. Remember that there still are set and restart options. When you fell off track, just get up, and continue to walk straight. It’s never too late to start walking on the right path, with the right companion.

“Let not the world’s 11:59 misdirect you from fulfilling God's calling.”

Janielle Rose


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