By: Kristine Joy Bilbao
Have you been promised something? Have you specified a date for when it will happen?
How long have you been anticipating the fulfillment of that specific promise? Have you been waiting for a year, two years, or more than five years?
During the National Conference in Manila five years ago, the Lord gave me a particular promise through a vision because of JOY, I cried. I knew it would happen in my heart but, I should have realized that it would take years and years of waiting because when 2017-2020 came and went without a trace. Oh, something happened that was the polar opposite of what I had seen in the vision. There were days that I was about to give up my belief that I just wanted to vanish. I was hurt and did not know what to do anymore.
Why? December 2017, I started asking the Lord. Why? I cried so hard and showed my mom my deep cries. My family sees me as a strong woman; and that I am capable of dealing with any pain. They thought I was strong; I think they never saw me cry. But I cried at night because I can't bear the pain any longer. . “Abi ba nako’g buhaton nimo imong promise Lord? What is this?" This was not the only time I became impatient. I was too broken, and I became impatient as a result. Broken, then impatient; Broken and impatient.
But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.
John 14:26-27 NLT
I saw a pattern. I became broken first and then allowed that emotion or brokenness to eat me and to cause me doubt of God’s promise. I thought that was the only thing I doubted, but I even unconsciously doubted the One who made the promise.
God allowed me to see my triggers to doubt, and so, whenever I became emotional and felt broken, I shed tears on God and sought His comfort help, and it reminds me that He knows what He is doing. That in due time, everything will make sense. Rather than disbelieving the promise, the Lord constantly tells me to read His word to see what He has to say about my situation.
But we must hold on to the progress we have already made. Philippians 3:16 NLT
I have been endlessly seeing the word WAIT during my devotional or reading time this past few weeks. I am always asking the Lord what to do next, and He keeps on highlighting the word, wait. I keep on hearing and seeing things that can make me doubt again. Yes, it does hurt, but I will wait, and now that I waited by God's grace and mercy, I see some pieces of that promise. SOME PIECES made my heart jump, and I cannot stop praising the Lord. How much joy will I be when it is finally complete?
The Lord replied, “Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it. Habakkuk 1:5 NLT
Are you wondering to what promise I am referring? It was the salvation of my whole family. I know God also gave you that promise. Listen to God’s instruction; focus on God and remind yourself of the things that He already did in your life. Ergo, do not forget to prepare and obey as well.
“Prepare your shields, and advance into battle! Harness the horses, and mount the stallions. Take your positions. Put on your helmets. Sharpen your spears, and prepare your armor.
Jeremiah 46:3-4 NLT
My siblings have had a God Encounter and have accepted Jesus Christ into their lives for that, Praise God. Now, I am not the only one in my family praying for my parents' salvation. Step by step, one by one, as we wait.
What does drive me to wait patiently in everything? It is God's ongoing assurance and security as revealed in His word. It was knowing that He will keep His word because He loves me unconditionally. My confidence is in the Lord. When He said it, He will do it.
The Lord is aware of your emotions; He was well aware of your suffering. Everything is visible to the Lord. He is there, even if He appears to be unreachable or unavailable on some days. Trust and believe that He is taking care of you.
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